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Troy Oswalt



Troy's Fitness Journey

“I am very lucky to have Rod Stanley as my personal trainer. He is very knowledgeable about what to eat, how much to eat, and how to have a nutritionally balanced meal every time. He is a very stern trainer but also compassionate to the needs of my body. He always takes the time to explain each exercise and helps me understand how my body will benefit from the exercise.”

I can’t say enough about Rod and I thank him for helping me to get my health back for not only myself but for my wife and kids as well.


Fitness Goals

Troy wanted to take control of his life and no longer be beholden to a sedentary lifestyle.

Reduce My Dependence on Medications

I had Type II diabetes, and had high blood pressure which was being treated by meds.

Drop bodyfat and add some lean muscle

I started my training progam at 254lbs and 40% body fat.

Be a better husband and father

Prior to starting my program I was always too tired to be present with my family.


Unique Challenges

Troy was lethargic, unmotivated, and tired all the time.

Troy was surrounded by food working in the banquet department of a large casino in Las Vegas.

After enduring during an 8-10 hour shift, he’d be TOO tired to start cooking for his family, and would bring home fast food for dinner.


Successful Outcome

“…….Prior to working with Rod and Dr. Life, I had Type II diabetes, was severely overweight,  and had high blood pressure and the advice they have collectively given me has helped me get off of my medications for the rest of my life and lose 60 pounds of fat while doing it. I’ve been training with Rod for over a year now and I no longer have diabetes and my blood pressure is in check, two things that I thought I was doomed to suffer with the rest of my life. I can’t say enough about Rod and I thank him for helping me to get my health back for not only myself but for my wife and kids as well. I am looking forward to continuing my training and seeing how much better Rod can help me become. If you need help getting your health back or just looking your best you would be very lucky to have Rod Stanley as your Personal Trainer.”—Troy Oswalt

Reach Out Today

Let's Do This

Are you ready to take control of your health and fitness? Are you tired of fads and experiments and want a proven, results-driven method that keeps you motivated?

Let’s make a personalized plan together and start achieving your goals today.

Are You Ready to Make a Real Change?

Join our New Year, New You Challenge

Lose Body Fat, Feel Better and you could win a cash prize in just 6 weeks! Register now for the Success Fitness 2025 Body Transformation Challenge. Don’t miss this opportunity to turn your New Year’s Resolution to lose fat into a reality. 


Here’s how it works…

You’ll compete in teams of five people. At least two members from your team must be non-members. There is no obligation to join, but these non-member teammates may join as part of their entry into the challenge, and your team will still qualify.
The team that loses the most total pounds of body fat will win a cash prize at the end!

That’s a great reason to start now!

We’ll kick off the challenge on January 13th. Here you’ll learn more about workout recommendations and other details to help you get the best results during the competition.

Everyone on your team must complete
their initial weigh in at Success Fitness

Between January 8 – 13,  the second weigh in will be Feb. 8th-13th, the third weigh in will be Feb. 17th-22nd. The final weigh-ins will occur between March 3rd and March 7th.  The winning team will be announced at the New Year, New You Finale Party on March 8th.  We’ll celebrate everyone’s success and write five checks to the winning team!
We need at least ten teams to register by January 10th, 2025, to run this competition. So gather your friends and family members ready to start the New Year with a New Body and register today!

You can pick up registration forms at the gym. If you prefer, email, and we’ll send them to you.

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