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Debbie Weddle



Tonys fitness journey

After  five years of meandering around the gym not knowing which exercises to do or machines  to use I decided to hire a personal trainer,not your everyday trainer but one with credentials hiring rod stanley as my personal trainer was one of the best decisions I made in my bodybuilding career, despite my self doubt me turned me from a shrimp to a shark.

“Rod challenged me in so many ways and I was able to push beyond my mental limitations. My training  sessions were educational but more importantly never boring.”


Fitness Goals

“My goal was to completely surpass my genetic potential and what’s was humanly possible.”

Lack of Consistency

“I started 5 years ago andthe problem I needed to solve was consistency and confidence in my form.”

Correcting Posture and Biomecahincs

“I needed to fix many muscle imblances to have a bodybuilders physique”

Become a bodybuilder

“As a teenager my older role models were Rocky balboa and Arnold Schwarzenegger.”


Unique Challenges

Create consistency with my current work schedule

Winged Scapula and tight muscle in the upper body prevented me from lifting eehavey

Lack of Confidence and trust in myself

Learn how to eat like a bodybuilder



Successful Outcome

My goal was to completely surpass my genetic potential and what’s was humanly possible. My biggest achievements while training with Rod for 5  months were my bench press of 205 and getting to 170 lbs the same weight as rocky in the first rocky movie although he was a lot more shredded. It took me a few months to correct my postural issues and once I got a hang of the nutrition I felt I better equipped to become a bodybulder. In the begining of trianing with ROd I was being incnsitent and not following the plan I shiould due to my peronal habit of scond guessing myself. Rod taught me to be confident in my lifts and how to feel when an exercise is right for my body….not based upon what other people are doing in their workouts.  second guess myself so much and have confience ion the scientific process of bodybuilding. I think had we ntrained together longer I would have definitely acheived the physique I wanted in time. 

I liked the approach of challenging myself to the brink of death… it makes me grateful for life. Rod challenged me in so many ways and I was able to push beyond my mental limitations. My training  sessions were educational but more importantly never boring. Rod really knows his stuff and the experience as a whole was like having a college professor as a coach! I got to learn the ins and outs of anatomy and muscle recovery. If you want to challenge your mind and body this is the best experience! Tony Maldonado

Reach Out Today

Let's Do This

Are you ready to take control of your health and fitness? Are you tired of fads and experiments and want a proven, results-driven method that keeps you motivated?

Let’s make a personalized plan together and start achieving your goals today.

Are You Ready to Make a Real Change?

Join our New Year, New You Challenge

Lose Body Fat, Feel Better and you could win a cash prize in just 6 weeks! Register now for the Success Fitness 2025 Body Transformation Challenge. Don’t miss this opportunity to turn your New Year’s Resolution to lose fat into a reality. 


Here’s how it works…

You’ll compete in teams of five people. At least two members from your team must be non-members. There is no obligation to join, but these non-member teammates may join as part of their entry into the challenge, and your team will still qualify.
The team that loses the most total pounds of body fat will win a cash prize at the end!

That’s a great reason to start now!

We’ll kick off the challenge on January 13th. Here you’ll learn more about workout recommendations and other details to help you get the best results during the competition.

Everyone on your team must complete
their initial weigh in at Success Fitness

Between January 8 – 13,  the second weigh in will be Feb. 8th-13th, the third weigh in will be Feb. 17th-22nd. The final weigh-ins will occur between March 3rd and March 7th.  The winning team will be announced at the New Year, New You Finale Party on March 8th.  We’ll celebrate everyone’s success and write five checks to the winning team!
We need at least ten teams to register by January 10th, 2025, to run this competition. So gather your friends and family members ready to start the New Year with a New Body and register today!

You can pick up registration forms at the gym. If you prefer, email, and we’ll send them to you.

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