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Sleep Apnea Natural Remedies

Sleep Apnea is where breathing stops for short periods during the night, which may terrify a significant other. With sleep apnea there is a lack of oxygen during the night which leaves you feeling exhausted all day. Additional symptoms include snoring, difficult concentrating and memory problems often connected with high blood pressure, obesity, poor diet and poor circulation.

Medical treatment usually entails using an oxygen machine with a mask. There are problems with compliance as the masks can be very uncomfortable. The oxygen machine and mask do not address the underlying causes.

From a natural perspective, sleep apnea is a fundamental breakdown of the whole body system, especially the circulatory and respiratory systems. Obesity is a common contributor that stressed both the circulatory and respiratory systems. If you are obese, start doing what it takes lose weight, and start a physical conditioning program. See 5 Keys to Successful Weight Loss.

Use natural herbal, cell salt and homeopathic remedies for sleep apnea and eliminate alcohol, tobacco, coffee, black tea, and sodas, and especially fast foods.


Herbs for Sleep Apnea

Herbs are plants valued for their specific strengthening/ tonifying properties.

Dave’s Heart Formula – for better circulation and blood pressure health.

Dave’s Sleep Formula – to promote better sleep.

Schizandra – to promote better oxygen utilization and immune adaptation.

Cell Salts to Help with Sleep Apnea

To make a cell salt solution, put up to 10 tablets of each cell salt in a 16- to 24-ounce bottle; fill with water and swirl to dissolve tablets. Sip throughout the day.

#9 Nat mur 6X – feels as if chest was tight, oppressed, and sighing
#11 Nat sulph 6X – chest feels empty, irritability on waking
#12 Silicea 6X – weakness with bruised sensation, throbbing sternum

Sleep Apnea Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic natural medicines safe for everyone including infants and pregnant or nursing women. You may use 6X, 30X, 6C or 30C potencies.

Carbo veg – circulatory collapse, blue lips, yawning, rattling in throat.

Kali carb – worse 2-4 a.m., yawns, congested, sharp chest pains, wheezing.

Lachesis – jerking when falling asleep. Feels worse after sleep. Tosses and moans. Worse left side. Hates snakes and tight clothing.

Click here for natural remedies

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Are You Ready to Make a Real Change?

Join our New Year, New You Challenge

Lose Body Fat, Feel Better and you could win a cash prize in just 6 weeks! Register now for the Success Fitness 2025 Body Transformation Challenge. Don’t miss this opportunity to turn your New Year’s Resolution to lose fat into a reality. 


Here’s how it works…

You’ll compete in teams of five people. At least two members from your team must be non-members. There is no obligation to join, but these non-member teammates may join as part of their entry into the challenge, and your team will still qualify.
The team that loses the most total pounds of body fat will win a cash prize at the end!

That’s a great reason to start now!

We’ll kick off the challenge on January 13th. Here you’ll learn more about workout recommendations and other details to help you get the best results during the competition.

Everyone on your team must complete
their initial weigh in at Success Fitness

Between January 8 – 13,  the second weigh in will be Feb. 8th-13th, the third weigh in will be Feb. 17th-22nd. The final weigh-ins will occur between March 3rd and March 7th.  The winning team will be announced at the New Year, New You Finale Party on March 8th.  We’ll celebrate everyone’s success and write five checks to the winning team!
We need at least ten teams to register by January 10th, 2025, to run this competition. So gather your friends and family members ready to start the New Year with a New Body and register today!

You can pick up registration forms at the gym. If you prefer, email, and we’ll send them to you.

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