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How to Handle Food Cravings 

Are you tired of the endless cycle of cravings dictating your food choices? Do you find yourself reaching for snacks when you’re not truly hungry, only to feel guilty afterward? Have you ever wondered why, despite your best intentions, certain foods seem to have a magnetic pull on you?

You’re not alone. Many of us struggle with food cravings that can lead to overeating and frustration. These cravings can be powerful, often leading us to make choices that conflict with our health goals. The disappointment of succumbing to temptation can be disheartening, creating a sense of defeat that makes it even harder to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

But what if you could understand and manage these cravings? Imagine having a set of tools and strategies that empower you to take control, turning the tide in your favor. You could enjoy food without it controlling you, leading to a happier, healthier life.

In this article, we’ll explore proven methods to handle food cravings effectively. By understanding your triggers, incorporating regular exercise, choosing healthier substitutes, and employing mental strategies, you can break free from the grip of cravings and take charge of your eating habits.

Let’s embark on this journey together, transforming the way you think about and respond to food cravings. With the right approach, you can overcome the obstacles that stand between you and a balanced, fulfilling relationship with food.

Identify Your Triggers

Recognize the situations that lead to your cravings, such as vacation time, stressful meetings, or specific emotional states. By pinpointing these triggers, you can devise a strategy to counteract them. For example, if you find yourself craving sweets during high-stress periods, remove tempting treats from your environment and replace them with healthier options like fruit-infused water or naturally sweetened yogurt.

Separate Eating from Other Activities

Avoid making a habit of eating while engaging in other activities like watching TV or driving, as this can cause the activity itself to become a trigger for future cravings. This phenomenon is similar to why some people crave popcorn at the movies, regardless of their hunger level—it’s the association with the environment that prompts the craving.

Incorporate Regular Exercise

Exercise is known to release endorphins, neurotransmitters that can produce a feeling of well-being and reduce the perception of pain, which may also help in reducing food cravings. The “runner’s high” is a well-documented example of this effect (Boecker et al., 2008).

Choose Healthier Substitutes

For those who find it effective, replacing high-calorie foods with lower-calorie alternatives can help manage calorie intake. For instance, opting for air-popped popcorn instead of chips can satisfy the need for a crunchy snack with fewer calories.

Acquire a Taste for Spices

Introducing a variety of spices into your meals can enhance flavor without adding calories, making it less likely for you to crave overly sweet or fatty foods. Research suggests that capsaicin, found in chili peppers, may even help in appetite suppression and increase energy expenditure (Ludy & Mattes, 2011).

Wait Out the Craving

Experts liken cravings to a wave with peaks and troughs. They suggest waiting at least twenty minutes before indulging, as cravings often subside on their own.

Avoid Skipping Meals

Regularly missing meals can lead to intense cravings and overeating. Some individuals may benefit from eating smaller, more frequent meals to maintain stable blood sugar levels and prevent cravings.

Practice Moderation

Complete denial of your favorite foods can lead to a cycle of restriction and overindulgence. Instead, allow yourself small indulgences. For example, if you’re craving chocolate, consider a single square of dark chocolate rather than a whole bar.

Mental Strategies by Stephen Gullo

Psychologist Stephen Gullo suggests that managing food cravings is a skill that can be developed. He proposes several mental strategies:

  1. Recognize that a craving is just a sensation, not an imperative. Distraction can often halt a craving.
  1. Normalize cravings as part of everyday life. They often pass quickly when managed correctly.
  1. Prioritize planning over willpower. Avoid buying trigger foods and eat before you might be tempted to overindulge.
  1. Avoid obsessing over food choices. Being a “visual eater” can lead to cravings just by looking at food.
  1. Steer clear of convincing yourself you need a particular food. Challenge thoughts like “I must have it.”
  1. Use “conversational commitment” to reinforce your dietary choices in social settings.
  1. Visualize the consequences of indulging before you’re in a tempting situation. This can reduce the immediate appeal of the food.


– Boecker, H., Sprenger, T., Spilker, M. E., Henriksen, G., Koppenhoefer, M., Wagner, K. J., … & Tolle, T. R. (2008). The runner’s high: opioidergic mechanisms in the human brain. Cerebral cortex, 18(11), 2523-2531.

– Ludy, M. J., & Mattes, R. D. (2011). The effects of hedonically acceptable red pepper doses on thermogenesis and appetite. Physiology & behavior, 102(3-4), 251-258.

Expert Advice Compilation

Per Ola and Emily D’Aulaire gathered insights from various weight loss experts to create a list of strategies for controlling food cravings, emphasizing the importance of understanding and managing personal triggers.

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We need at least ten teams to register by January 10th, 2025, to run this competition. So gather your friends and family members ready to start the New Year with a New Body and register today!

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